LEARNUS webinar – Sue Gifford talks about Maths in the EYFS: what are the priorities for our youngest learners? (November 2023)

Home Numeracy and Preschool Children’s Mathematical Development (2021) Ann Dowker reviews research on the links between pre-school children’s home experiences and their maths, suggesting that parental attitudes towards maths are a key factor.

Mathematics in the early years: what matters? (2020) Helen Williams identifies priorities from current research.

Harnessing the power of story by Cath Gripton and Helen Williams

Relationships between attitudes and performance in young children’s mathematics (2019) Ann Dowker et al report research on 5 & 6 year olds’ attitudes to maths and suggest promoting confidence in problem solving

Improving mathematics in early years and KS1 guidance report (2019) Recommendations from research, learning trajectories and activity examples, by the Education Endowment Foundation 

Myths of Early Math (2018) Experts Clements & Sarama use research to dispel common myths and suggest how to teach early maths well. 

‘Why Kids Need to Move, Touch and Experience to Learn’. (2015) Research showing how physical development links with cognitive development

Teaching math to young children: Educator’s practice guide (2013) Principles of early years maths teaching, based on research from the USA’s What Works Clearinghouse