December 2019

These proposed Goals were developed by the ECMG as reflecting the latest research and current practice. For the rationale, see our response to the EYFSP consultation.

Number ELG

Children, with numbers to 12:

  • count out a number of objects from a larger group
  • match numerals to amounts,
  • compare and estimate numbers,
  • predict adding or taking one.
  • subitise up to 5 and recognise how numbers are made up of other numbers
  • solve practical problems including adding, subtracting and sharing
  • communicate their mathematical thinking in a range of ways.
Making a staircase of cubes

Shape, Space and Measures ELG


  • make comparisons of length, weight and capacity
  • begin to identify the rule in a pattern
  • select and combine shapes for a purpose and talk about their properties
  • follow directions and describe positions and routes