Summary of key points re mathematics in key stage 1:
The KS1 maths curriculum should be reduced and rebalanced so it is evidence-based:
- removing items not supported by research for this age group, e.g. number bonds to 20 and equations like 7=?-9 for 5-6 year olds
- including spatial reasoning and pattern which predict effective maths learning
- emphasizing mathematical thinking and problem solving, mathematical dispositions and positive attitudes
- using effective pedagogical approaches for the age group e.g. guided play, maths talk
- Y1 would then provide time for consolidation of key aspects of early maths for those at risk of underachievement, and prevent the attainment gap which widens in primary and later years.
The KS1 SATS, though optional, should no longer be published, in order to discourage ineffective test-based pedagogy and encourage more informative teacher assessment.
The Reception Baseline Assessment (RBA) should be removed. It is ineffective as a primary progress measure and also as an informative assessment, preventing reception teachers focusing more effectively on children’s mathematics development.
High-stakes assessment skew the curriculum: formative assessment and national sampling would suit purposes more effectively. Ofsted inspectors need to have a more supportive role and to be consistently knowledgeable about KS1 maths in order to increase children’s learning.
Professional development
Effective curriculum and assessment depend on professional development, so teachers understand both the mathematics and pedagogy for this age group. This understanding is also essential for senior leaders and inspectors.
SG 26/11/24s