The Early Childhood Mathematics Group would like to offer some support and encouragement to all adults in helping children to become confident young mathematicians. We all know that maths is very important for young children’s lives and their future life options. If we can help them build firm mathematical foundations, we will have given them a really good start. It is also important that families and practitioners work together to support children’s mathematical learning.
Everyday experiences and routines, rhymes and games provide excellent mathematical learning opportunities for children under seven. Opportunities for mathematical learning can happen anywhere and should be practical wherever possible. What matters is building young children’s confidence and their willingness to have a go, whether at counting, construction or shape puzzles. Since supportive relationships are so important, it is imperative to find activities that not only children enjoy, but that adults can enjoy too. Recognising the maths in everyday activities helps to develop children’s mathematical learning even further. When playing and in everyday routines, such as having a snack, children can learn lots of maths.