Early Childhood Mathematics Group: for expertise in teaching and learning early maths.
Guidance to support adults working with children from birth to seven

To support the new government's curriculum and assessment review and highlight some of the current issues, ECMG has produced new research-based proposals for the EYFS and KS1 maths curriculum. These include suggestions to remove baseline assessment and broaden the ELGs to include spatial reasoning and pattern, as well as ensuring continuity  from the EYFS to KS1.


The ECMG has identified some key principles for early childhood mathematics pedagogy, to help young children to learn maths. These include provision, activities, teaching strategies and dispositions, supported by photos of varied practice, with the aim of promoting positivity and success for all children in mathematics.

The ECMG have submitted an evidence-based response to the government's Curriculum and Assessment Review,  based on members' contributions.

We have now produced Mixed-year group guidance, with strategies and examples from a range of experienced educators.

Bird-feeding provides seasonal opportunities for Mathematical Moments with young children, as shown by childminder Sam Goldsworthy.

Australian academics have been inspired by ECMG to develop a new website, Early Childhood and  Primary Mathematic Education (ECPME). This covers a range of topics, such as multi -modal thinking, with  ideas for provocations currently being added.




See our new mathematical moment
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Early childhood mathematics pedagogy: exploration, apprenticeship & making sense